Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Orange Push-up Smoothie

Orange Creamsicle Smoothie. Bring it on!

1 can orange juice concentrate, slightly thawed
1 cup milk (half and half, cream, nut milk, soy milk)
1/2 cup sugar, or to taste I suggest a cup.
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 cups ice, or to taste
Combine all ingredients, except ice, in a large blender, and blend until smooth and creamy, taking care the sugar has dissolved and is well incorporated.  If desired, add a splash more water or more milk.  Add the ice and blend until smooth.
Makes approximately three eight-ounce portions.
Tips: Pour excess portions into glasses and thaw later and drink as smoothies; pour excess into bowls and freeze for orange sherbet; or pour into Popsicle molds, paper cups, or ice cube trays and freeze for homemade Push-Ups.  Or halve the recipe by cutting the can of orange juice concentrate in half and halving all other ratios.

Some orange juice concentrate is sweeter than others so sweeten to taste. 

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